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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Good morning U.S.A.!
I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day
The sun in the sky has a smile on his face
And he's shining a salute to the American race
Oh boy, it's swell to say, Good morning U.S.A.!

Good morning U.S.A.!


Good morning U.S.A.!
I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day
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Blessed thread.

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Donald Trump was shot in the ear by a libtard soicuck with a 64 qubec foot rock bucket as a chin.
(((Meta))) removes restrictions on Donald Trump's ban on (((Facebook))).
Alex Baldwin wins in his court case about murder because of the "Government".
black women are rage twerking.
Biden still can't speak words at his "Big Boy" (lol) press conference.
France is still politically on fire (Holy fucking shit)
Russia is winning the Ukraine War.
The US tells (((Israel))) and Hamas "guys stop fighting" as the US sends weapons and $95bn to fund the (((Israeli)))-Hamas conflict.
NATO still won't pay their wages in the defense contract.
Iran has a new president and it was weird turn of events.
Japan is being infected by neo-communism.
Is Italy still a country?
Pro Palestinian protesters are still protesting just not as school anymore, yes they still don't exactly know what they are protesting.
Hawk Tuah girl cancelled Pride month.
(((Ben Shapiro))) is still being (((Jewish))).
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There are so many things going on, I have no idea which jew is doing the jewing anymore.


Some Jews are just not themselves. Bolsheviks were retards when they Got hostile towards each other for not being a shade of a Jew they wanted. Even Orthodox Jews Got kicked out from USSR.
Marx was a special case and he called his son-in-law a Jew Nigger.
I ain't gonna complain, but you get the memo

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>Wokeness is hated even by normies now
>Mass immigration is increasingly unpopular
>Trump going to win in a landslide
>2016 energy coming back
>Movie about Reagan set to be a blockbuster this summer
>RNC having union bosses speak
>Sean Hannity's show most popular show in the entire world as of right now
>Right wing surging all over Europe


Ronald Reagan was a retard, but I respect him for tearing down the wall that separated Germany.

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We're winning so hugely, it makes me think something is off. (((They))) have something planned.
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Thankfully they failed.


Trump führerGOD saved


the timeline has shifted


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all part of the plan


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(((they))) were betting on our God Emperor fuhrer Trump dying… But (((they))) were severely mistaken… Kek!!

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the west is so fucking back


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yup. it's kino!


our mission isn't done yet. we must keep fighting like DJT told us to



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What did (((they))) mean by this?


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It was a test. (You) passed.


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the demonrats did this

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wish 'ecker nigga would do invites instead of the gay shit


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They appear in the pupils


using your own residential proxies will always be superior

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Memefrog, how did you get so keyed?

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can we get a holocaust redpill going? i feel (((they))) infiltrated already


The situation has been dealt with accordingly.

- The Trumpflare Team


i kneel

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