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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Any oldfrogs remember thefrogpond? I do.
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


How did you feel when kikes spammed your site with tranime, scat and soyjaks?


i felt a righteous fury


when are you reinstating thefrogpond.pythonanywhere.com


11 roman months of nonstop triumph


i didn't make any of the splinters

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Why is a Blackrock actor doing this?
Why didn't SS agents see a man with a rifle in the direction they were already facing?
Why are the courts targeting Trump and never Hunter?
Patriots, something isn't adding up.
New dawn is ahead.
Are you ready?
They said they would serve and protect…
They have failed.
Anarchy is brewing.
It's not a good thing.
Chaos incoming.
Defend the true President.
Remember the evil that faces us.
There are [D]emons around us.
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thank you svvt for taking our site off https://pph.lol/
as we are NOT a soyphere site


Absolutely based.


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Did he think that because he got away with killing his secretary he could get away with killing Trump?

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>Is this the best you got? I'd be pretty embarrassed too desu.


Soikike posting his selfie… OH NO NO NO, soikike sisters…


Troonjaks are the only /qa2/-approved 'jaks though.

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a /qa2/chad face reveal, we're winning bigly


kek the adl is absolutely fuming


based aryan chad standing up for our bravery as always


i look like that and do that because that is me

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let's show our oppositions who's boss. They've been subverting this community for as long as they keep deluding themselves into thinking they're real women


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