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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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This based frog makes the CIA, NSA, FBI, MI5, MI6, GIGN, SAS, SWAT and Mossad seethe and basically, you're being datamined. Why? Just watch europa the last battle

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>shariahblue's strongest soldiers


reminder this is who we're fighting btw, a bunch of dysgenic lowlife trannies and low t cucks. can it be any more embarrassing than this?

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Wtf is this thing? He legitimately looks like the crypt keeper.


used to think he was a based white catholic president. instead she's a nigger sheboon. i'm voting for trump.

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#TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA kill niggers kill kikes 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the #Trump2024 reich lynch niggers gas the kikes.

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Just right after >>3000, Shareblue shills have been actively trying to spam the site with copyright claims and getting filtered by Trumpflare every time.

What are the political implications of this?


word on the grapevine is that they're planning to trademark pepe instead. God save our souls

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What will be the 3000th GET?


we'll see for ourselves


something based


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It better be


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shariahblue got btfo hard today

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My Hero.


off by one but still checked

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policemen swear to god


keyed music

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It's frog friday


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is it?


Oh ya it is

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i hate foreigners so much bros
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>B…but people from way back when we…..
shut the fuck up libtard and deport yourself to sweden


no hablo libtard


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Sorry. Also, you niggas believe those Discord images like Communists believe Joseph Stalin was a hero.


Also Also, Shareblue? Nigga, I do not support immigration. I want my country to be more than pure as much as possible. Super pure.

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