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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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Why is "right-wing" twitter compromised by kikes? I noticed many of them defending israhell because it's the cool contrarian thing


I also noticed many pro-israhell 'jaks on the soycuck booru which is unsurprising because it's infested with those xittercucks as well. Falseflag operation perhaps?

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So how many dead people will vote for Biden this year?
Why do dead people never vote for Republicans?
Is there a way to get dead people to vote for Trump?

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Ladies and Gentelmen I'd like to speak with you today on the small ripples traveling through the internet on the removal of D.E.I. policies and firing of of D.E.I. employed loons.

These companies are not KEYED, red pilled, chads, and more so this is not "nature healing". They are businesses they are MONEY pilled which means they are going to dictate their business to operate with trying accumulate the most amount of cash from us indentured slaves as possible because that is just what they do. These people do not care about you, your religion, your race, your feelings, if your gay or normal they simply don't care unless you hand over the money in your pocket to them. Its the only thing they care about.

Now about the money part. You see business learn quickly on how to maximise profits every year. I mean you all have seen the financial income differences of how big business ceos keep getting $25k to $100k raises every year while we the peasants get $.50 raise if we are lucky every year. So with that in mind these companies are starting to understand that D.E.I policies are cutting into those profits due to D.E.I. employees being the absolute worst people to deal with for various tedious reasons (I'm sure you can think of a few) and so they are going to start gutting those policies and firing unqualified D.E.I. employees to make back lost revenue from this "experiment" for lack of a better term.

This shift will come slowly, as some of you may have noticed that not a lot of companies this year had changed their profile pics to pride theme for less than week before changing back or to promote a new product. Two years ago nearly every company changed and kept the pride flag theme for the whole month of pride, not 5 days to a week. I noticed this last year and kinda figured this was gonna start happening soon and I guess I was right.

Just sit back and watch the show. Trust me it's gonna get good here in a few episodes, I can feel it.


TL;DR: /qa2/ is straight up dominating western culture and spreading right-wing values at an amazing rate

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Reminder if you use firefox, be sure to set accessibility.force_disabled to 1 in your about:config settings because of a memory hog issue (that pozilla refuses to acknowledge). Improved my experience tenfold


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Thanks, but I prefer my browser kike-free.




Thanks for the tip, did these trannies really enable this accessibility crap by default because of the handicapped or something?

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We will accomplish many keks and redpills once Project 2025 is instituated, it's our duty to awaken them of the (((hive))).


Keyed and kek
4188 brother


Agenda 47 and Project 2025 will save America. HH brother.




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Project 2025 has an idea of a firewall similiar to one from China.
remove that and Project 2025 will save America.

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gooby pls


nah, i'd win

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Trump tells the ultra-powerful Jewish Republican lockedition "I know why you're not supporting me, I don't need your money, you like to control your politicians." and "I'm not sure Israel is willing to negotiate" coinciding with the GOP saying their goal is to "destroy and degrade Trump".

All that said. Why IN THE FUCK do we want more Muslim immigrants? We have accepted 1.7 million since 9/11. Why IN THE FUCK do we even need more people? We have 318.9 million. Oh yeah, that's right. The psychopathic globalist corporations need more cheap labor.

Fuck the kikes. Fuck these elites. And fuck these leftist ideologues. TRUMP '24

Put that on hat you shilly faggots. Wake up or GTFO back to Reddit where you belong.



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>I'll be making a new site called legacy.theribbitrally.org. It will be an archival site of the deceased TheFrogPond.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


the frog pond was kino


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brings me back to the better times


checked and keked


my old post isnt there it was like #50


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Don't tell your betters what to do. You will be treated accordingly and you deserve less.

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Micro$haft has recently started to lay off its (((DEI))) employees this week, perhaps they're finally becoming aware of the evil instigated by these """""people""""" and are now taking our words for it. They no longer deem (((DEI))) "business critical", so what does that mean for the company? There will be no more faggots or trannies in future video games just to appease (((those))) who are trying to push it, even when it's not needed, and now that they shut down their (((DEI division))), their teams will be made up of White men again to revitalize the company.
It's funny how hard we've been influencing internet culture and redpilling the masses with minimal effort and now multi-billion dollar corporations are starting to catch on to our strategic scheme, Deere has recently rejected kikeshit and (((propaganda))) following complaints from multiple Conservative White Christians and our redpilling. Our culture has been taking a shift in political values, it's happening hard and we're seeing it with our eyes right now.
Even normies are getting tired of the wokeshit being pushed by (((them))) and are no longer allying themselves with the faggot movement. The new generation is waking up and growing more aware of the lies of the jew, and it's all thanks to our priorities in shaping Western civilization for so long. /qa/ died a martyr and it was pozzed during its final months, /qa2/ is taking one step further in redefining a whole generation and influencing this planet.

Even making jokes about Trump's assassination can get you "cancelled" now, a political shift is happening, and it's happening hard, all because of our glory and what we've brought upon.


I heard Steve Ballmer is thinking about investing in /qa2/ and hosting his own AMA there following the incident


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now the kikes are seething hard about it because "muh diversity" kek. Many such cases!
It's already over for you kikes we run this shit now

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