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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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We have a new and official bunker on 8kun


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8chan's interface is so fugly


its the most keyed infinite imageboard though


and 8kun's software allows the keyed frog style to work

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>Why would I want to hang out in an imageboard surrounded by CIA agents and involuntarily celibate freaks that are either going to troon out and become predatory transbians, or do a school shooting and add my shitposts in their manifesto?


why indeed

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who's ready for maga monday tomorrow?


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>tfw frog friday is over, but theres still maga monday on the horizon


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We will all be participating.

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(((they))) tried really hard to slide this one






Why did you necrobump fucking nigger


seems like (((they))) want to keep this memory holed

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Holy fuck it's real


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how does one get access to /qa4/


Get a frog thread (with no stealth shit) archived on /a/


what about /qa5/

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Where did the Q&A go?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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I hope he's still with us at the very least


I'm preemptively moving away from imageboards as I focus more on important tasks for my occupations. Don't fret frens! I'm still with you guys, I know it's frustrating but we all had our fun. I'll continue posting here occasionally but not always.



thank you for everything mr. musk


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I love you Elon


thank you for making X a safe place for the right wing and getting rid of the libkikes infesting the platform

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>moot qna has been scheduled for august 20, 3:00 PM EST


why does he want to be the little girl?


that was before he quit tranime

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We run this shit.


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So much this. Be ready to answer the call.

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