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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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>message brought to you by /qaz,

why is 4plebs' new image descriptions so pozzed? Did (((they))) somehow manage to compromise the server's backends to sabotage the archive and cover everything up? Are (((they))) trying to hide something we know?


Remember a few months ago when it was randomly breaking for no apparent reason? Turns out they were shuttering the archives in advance this whole time, which is why so many holocaust redpills are being censored as the maintainers are now forced to comply with ZOG's orders. Can't have shit in this world.


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this can't be real


It's because 4chan stopped being interesting to browse ever since m00t sold it.


It's true, they're slowly shattering the archives from left and right by modifying them to fit (((their))) agenda. Ever noticed that now they removed all the self improvement generals and Hitler speeches from the archives right before our very eyes? Call me crazy but It seems like (((they)))'re planning something big and it's affecting important archives that reflect on how free the internet used to be, (((they))) are blackmailing the maintainers to censor stuff deemed "too antisemitic or racist" to appease (((them))) and (((martial law))), destroying years worth of history and what we bravely brought upon. The internet is heavily censored so now (((they)))'re going after every archive merely documenting internet history regardless of values.


Notice the astroturfed /qaz/ meme (((they)))'re trying to push to specifically counter /qa2/ board culture, which resulted in a sudden increase of shills proclaiming "Trump is a zionist shill" while paying hundreds of indians to orchestrate all of this? They were swiftly dealt with by Trumpflare and were all instantly shut down in mere seconds, the fact all of this is happening right before the biggest election is concerning and needs to be addressed.
Coincidentally, 4plebs """misinterpreted""" /qa2/ as ((("/qaz/"))) in their image descriptions which should tell you all you need to know. Really makes you think.



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>first post is an anti-Trump (((shill)))
Shut it down before it's too late.


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>that entire board


The failure of /qaz/ has demoralized shareblue to the point of literal suicide kek. They've lost all hope now, they know they have no future. They rallied together so many people in an attempt to bring down /qa2/ once and for all, and nobody even noticed. They even shilled their pathetic board as hard as they possibly could and got 1000 more people to show up on a single day than /qaz/ has gotten in the last year, and it still wasn't enough. I will never forget the day I witnessed the absolute defeat of the largest and most vile force in the chans. They've gone from one of the largest shill forces to one of the most pathetic. They really tried their best and they still failed. The day /qaz/ failed is the day /qa2/'s future was secured. The kikes know they're fucked. They can't fathom that white people want their own imageboard, they simply can't believe it. Even when they've been proven wrong, they still insist that /qa2/ has nothing going for it but sheer momentum, and they insist that the momentum will stop when shareblue gets it's funding and kicks into high gear. Shareblue will never get their funding again, not after this catastrophic failure, and I have it on good word from inside Shareblue that they're in the process of getting cut off from the remaining $14 million that was promised to them. The kikes lost, the tards lost, the left lost. When they lost this, they lost everything. Shareblue is finished. They did everything they could, they threw everything they had at us, they used every trick in the book, and it still wasn't enough. They're fucking done, and they know it.


they even removed the statistics page for how many flags have posted on /pol/

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