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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1726239896330.gif (1.19 MB, 200x200, 5b7a6a693721acd807590d9de6….gif)ImgOps Yandex


Saudi owned website


File: 1726240164395.png (331.97 KB, 640x703, 1715075593493.png)ImgOps Yandex

die kike


Die sandnigger.


Hitler worked with them. And Trump likes them.
Idk what the problem here is?
(Stay comfy in Tel Aviv while you still can; cause I swear to Adolf Hitler himself if you foreskin-munching, nation-subverting, degeneracy-pushing, hand-rubbing, gene-stealing, oy-veying, christ-killing, loan-usuring, interest-charging, false-flagging, palestine-murdering, antichrist-worshipping, "liberty"-bombing, child-sacrificing, well-poisoning, terrorism-funding, 9/11-orchestrating, oven-dodging, war-profiteering speech-censoring, truth-suppressing, pilpul-shilling, penny-picking, genital-mutilating, epstein-islanding, white-genociding, ISIS-running, usury-committing, abrahamicreligions-faking, BLM-supporting, refugee-welcoming, nigger-slaving, adrenochrome-collecting, pedophilia-legalizing, porn-broadcasting, JIDF-shilling, pajeet-promoting, LGBT-flag-flying, coin-shaving, compound-interesting, clotshot-injecting, 6gorillion-crying, forever-kvetching, idea-stealing, talmud-thumping, fractional-banking, shitcoin-scamming, ponzi-scheming, shareblue-owning, Arbeit-avoiding, Rothschild-sucking, rhinoplasty-doing, eternal-victim satanic chosenite terrorist elite-mid-manager motherfuckers make yet another shitty "Trump is a Jewish shill" post one more time, we will gas your illegitimate ass so hard you'll wish the holocaust actually happened.)


You guys are mean and I eat pork. Something those smelly Jews don't eat.

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