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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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Just a reminder: during /qa/'s last months, a group of Shareblue shills were coordinating an attack from their cabals to raid the board with degenerate garbage and trannymoder memes. Said Shareblue shills were reminded of their past feud with the frogposters and their sidekicks there, so they had to take it upon themselves and strengthen their usual tactics, this time being BBC kikery, pro-troonism, and subverting the board culture even harder than the mafioso ever could, steadily driving away most residents looking for a place where they can have their fun without being disrupted by shills and kikes. Eventually, RapeApe saw the absolute state of the board and pulled the plug before the situation became progressively worse. Shareblue shills were displeased with the outcome and decided to ally with soytrannies on their spinoff to DMCA frogposters via copyright claims, their plan however, would be snitched to /pol/ and it ended up failing horribly because one /pol/chad infiltrated the site's database and leaked every poster's IP, it was revealed they were all from Israel and that were responsible for /qa/'s decline in quality during it's final lifespan. It got so bad their owner even disavowed his own site and decided to sell it off. They still haven't recovered despite being desperate for power. Really not helping their case here despite their effort.


they're scared that we're winning the culture war and that's a fact


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