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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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What is the profile of the most dangerous political activist for the corrupt establishment and the Judaeo-Christian mafia?

My answer: The agnostic national socialist.

What are the ideological components of such an individual?

1) Belief in STRONG to ABSOLUTE determinism (biological, cultural, linguistic, behavioral etc.).
People are essentially biological machines devoid of free will. We're entirely shaped by our genetics, epigenetics, language and to a minor degree environment, culture, class, etc.
2) Belief in FALSITY of all abrahamisms (christianity, judaism, islam).
These were political systems put in place to control the masses, for obvious reasons. Their books contain obvious mistakes/contradictions that are easily spotted by anyone who is not a retard.
3) Openness to the transcendental
Rejection of absolute atheism, which is dogmatic. Anyone who is intellectually honest should reject any form of dogma (which means it can't be proven empirically).
There is a scientific way to alternative forms of consciousness in the universe, without stepping into abrahamism.
4) Loyalty to the principles of RACE and SELF IMPROVEMENT (eugenics)
The only way we can give meaning to life is through self-improvement, which is increasing of our own power (possibly not of the sociopathic type) and our race is the pool from where we obtain eugenic and useful genetic material for our offspring.

READ the book:


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>People are essentially biological machines devoid of free will
KYS tranny
Christ is king


I blame Himmler for that. Hitler should have fired him.


Nigga, I get Hitler had a bit heretici view of Christianity, but this is silly.

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