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We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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As the news of Donald Trump's unexpected victory in the presidential election spread, the Deep State trembled with rage. The once-powerful cabal of government officials, bureaucrats, and intelligence agents, who had long controlled the levers of power behind the scenes, froze in terror as their grip on reality began to slip. The usually omnipresent whispers and murmurs of discontent in the corridors of power ceased, replaced by an eerie silence. The vaunted halls of government agencies, once pulsing with activity and intrigue, fell still as the Deep State's operatives, petrified by the prospect of Trump's populist revolt, went into a complete halt. For weeks, not a single memo was written, not a single phone call was made, not a single policy was implemented – as if the very machinery of government had seized up in collective paralysis. The Deep State's long reign of terror seemed to be coming to an end, replaced by an unprecedented era of chaos and uncertainty.


based Q telling it like it is. The west is so fucking back

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