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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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im a newfag how do i deploy redpills on any 4chan board i frequent the most


Hypothetical Rules for Fixing Society According to Trump’s Approach
1. Prioritize Economic Growth

Tax Reform: Implement tax cuts to stimulate economic growth and encourage business investment.
Deregulation: Reduce government regulations to make it easier for businesses to operate and innovate.

2. Strengthen National Security

Border Control: Enhance border security and enforce immigration laws to protect national interests.
Military Investment: Increase funding for the military to ensure strong defense capabilities and global influence.

3. Promote American Industry

Trade Policies: Renegotiate trade agreements to favor American workers and industries, ensuring fair trade practices.
Infrastructure Investment: Invest in rebuilding and modernizing infrastructure to support economic development.

4. Reform Healthcare

Repeal and Replace: Work to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and replace it with a system that emphasizes private sector solutions and competition.

5. Support Law and Order

Law Enforcement Funding: Increase support and funding for local law enforcement agencies to ensure public safety and uphold the rule of law.
Criminal Justice Reform: Implement reforms to the criminal justice system to address issues like sentencing disparities while maintaining public safety.

6. Promote American Values

Patriotism: Encourage a strong sense of national pride and traditional American values.
Education: Support school choice and educational reforms to ensure that children receive a quality education that reflects American values.

7. Empower Citizens

Tax Relief: Provide tax relief to individuals and businesses to boost disposable income and economic activity.
Job Creation: Focus on creating jobs through various economic initiatives and reducing barriers for entrepreneurs.

8. Protect the Constitution

Judicial Appointments: Appoint judges who adhere to a strict interpretation of the Constitution and uphold individual liberties.
Second Amendment: Defend the right to bear arms and resist efforts to impose restrictive gun control measures.

9. Emphasize Transparency and Accountability

Government Accountability: Ensure transparency in government operations and hold public officials accountable for their actions.
Anti-Corruption Measures: Implement measures to prevent corruption and misuse of power in government.

10. Foster International Relationships

Alliances: Strengthen alliances with key international partners while advocating for fair contributions to global defense and economic partnerships.
Diplomacy: Engage in direct negotiations to resolve international conflicts and promote American interests abroad.


thank you gpt very cool

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