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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

File: 1724186978335.png (268.33 KB, 267x441, Moot Cheers.png)ImgOps Yandex

 No.8119Sticky[View All]

It's that time again, please ask away and I'll try to answer your questions when possible. I have enough time to kill.
125 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>meme magic actually revived him
holy quisit
anyway what are your honest thoughts about half the site being nuked? only boards most affected were the dedicated weabshit ones


how did you find this site


Send me your best pepes


Come back


he just did


He meant coming back to 4chan


Why do so many people nowadays like tranime so much?


Why did you let yourself be a cuck?


As in, why did you let that one girl on social media cuck you for BBC


Do you hate niggers and faggots? Post timestamp to confirm your tripcode is indeed moot


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>tel aviv ip


When did you become so redpilled?


Are you actually the real moot?


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do something about the discord tranny raiding problem that's been plaguing 4chan for half a decade


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Please, we've had enough.


Moot can you kiss me on the cheek


delete /v/


why did you make that nigger redwood a mod?


what are your thoughts on (((kamabla haaretz)))


Do you mean (((zion d✡️n)))?


Kike, it's flick!


File: 1725197435359.png (51.48 KB, 859x759, 1689243708314.png)ImgOps Yandex

>Do you mean (((zion d✡️n)))?


Could you please allow frogposting on /a/


Yes, I will


come back to us


rangeban shblwarrior


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Fuck you moot


>Gooner shit looking pepe
>Cat hate
Really, nigga?


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We're not the same


Gaslighting won't save you, kike…



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Frog race shall be cleansed, /pol/ pond scum shall fall beneath my feet and beg for pardon


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Wtf is this soyploopy tier autismshit


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Shitty scribbles won't save your ass kike…

Start running.


mooooooooot why do you have only one exclamation mark and not twooooooooooo


anuddah test


anuddah one


sorry for shitting up the thread i geddit now


moot i think it's time you get a new tripcode (compatible with vichan's ##secure trips), your old one was leaked a ton of times


another test SORREY


File: 1726054580323.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 1519383315714.gif)ImgOps Yandex

>are you voting for zognald dru- i mean god emperor trump?
(Die kike DIE. DIE KIKE DIE. You're going to the gas chambers. You're going to the oven. The Trump2024 Reich will GAS ALL KIKES.)


File: 1726055546570.png (318.76 KB, 1276x601, 16881613343386.png)ImgOps Yandex

>>are you voting for zognald dru- i mean god emperor trump?


hello mossad


God bless Trumpflare.


what do you think of (((kamala)))


i support her with all my financial capabilities.
already did.




definitely bbc


File: 1726218894562.jpg (151.98 KB, 1170x925, 20240829_211352.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

You're not the real moot you jewish kike hacker. Kys.


Stop spreading hateful conspiracy theories online. This is simply not true.


File: 1726219626729.jpg (63.74 KB, 1536x1685, 1725694380855.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

>Stop spreading hateful conspiracy theories online. This is simply not true.

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