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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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>bypass trumpflare to "btfo" rallyists
>get thrashed by the keyed excellence userbase
>resort to the bot
A tragedy in three parts.

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deer never see the car coming until it's too late


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Now I'm no trump supporter but honestly the redpills you guys drop are really speaking to me. You guys can keep your domain.


>reporting an obvious violation of ToS is a targeted attack
Soilclucks, are we retarded?

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Soycucks showing their true colors


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Thread is getting fremmed up by holocaust redpills. Praise Kek!

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kek (((they're))) already having a meltie

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do nusoijannycacas really

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https://so yjak.party/soy/thread/8131868.html#q8131966


naw bruh his ass is NOT gettin a Patriot Pass (Upgrade at: pass.theribbitrally.org) 💀




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ay cuh his corny ass aint gettin' no patriot pass no more or sum sheit fo shizzle dizzle dawg

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>Enter the obvious datamine to get some info on our favorite niggerhell sharty is
>Instantly get called some literal who
Why are nusoicacas like that on schlog


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>Got banned for ban evasion
Holy delusional

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The frog he laughs he's mean
Transphobia's his scene
But we won't let him win
Our pride we hold within

[Verse 2]
Laughing frog spreads hate
We won't take the bait
Strong and proud we'll stay
He can't take our day

Laughing frog you see
Transphobia won't be
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One time I encountered a nusoicaca in a CS:GO game and told him /qa/ lost but he had no idea what I meant or what /qa/ was, the great replacement is real
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There will always be a cost.


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Say I wonder whatever happen to those oldchads?


Most of them moved on like everyone else, could you imagine having to sit through a shitty 4chan knockoff with 0 culture and more datamining all day


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We all moved here


Fair point the average frogchad is more older than the average nusoigarbage

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Froot is tightening his leash on nusoicacas and they don't even respond with anything. They could migrate to any of the 30000 splinters out there but instead they choose to stay complacent. They are all children waiting to be groomed. Froot will keep desensitizing them with assholes, blatant porn and gore.


let the kids play with their toys while the adults talk

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