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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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The soiniggers are straight up just copying us now.
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How can a site admin be this out of touch and retarded


the nuadmins are literally the equivalent to jews spraying swastikas on their own synagogues


if nuadmins means everyone past soot


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>we are the only site that is 'p free
I have never seen 'p on The Ribbit Rally even once.


Notice how there hasn't been a single ounce of CP spam on our site after we enabled Trumpcha for replies? I wonder why…

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Face it the soyjak meme will die off and the soysphere will cease to exist and we frogchads will keep on posting pepes right after the shit show


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You sound like a disingenuous piece of shit rat kike, subversion kike, tranny enabling communist kike permanent wretch. DIE KIKE DIE. the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. EAT THIS SWASTIKA AND CHOKE TO DEATH ON IT YOU GREASY KIKE


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Soyjaks have been dead for 2 years, that's why the shitty is botted to hell and only has 10 pages qeq.


How do we spread the message


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By making high effort bait about how the soysphere is dead and nobody really cares about soyjaks anymore kek.

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imagine being such an attention whoring faggot who spent 10k on the soipoopie.discord party website that you become so irrelevant nobody even cares about you. this retard literally had to make up shitty lime vs lemon drama for people to use his website


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Of course no one likes Froot. He doesn't captivate the public naturally like Soot nor does have the charisma of Kuz. He is a walking fail. The worst namefag admin ever, i'll tell ya.


thank you president Trump

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nusoipoopiejeets can't even run a good mc server
https://so yjak.party/soy/thread/8101367.html

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gatekeeping is a good thing

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In the quiet hum of an isolated outpost in Reykjavik, a small team of scientists and economists sat huddled over their screens, decoding data that shimmered with the brilliance of hidden secrets. The lead researcher, Dr. Elísabet Jónsdóttir, had a hypothesis that bordered on the fantastical. She believed that Iceland, by virtue of its unique geographic position and magnetic alignment with the Earth, held the power to influence global economic thought and patterns.

"The formula is simple," Elísabet began, her voice carrying the conviction of countless sleepless nights. "One purchase in Iceland stages and averages as any other purchase on Earth. Iceland stages for all purchasing power simply by the nature of its geographic position."

Her colleagues, while initially skeptical, had come to respect her vision. She had charted solar winds, tracked magnetic fields, and correlated these natural phenomena with economic shifts worldwide. It wasn't just the numbers that convinced them; it was the subtle synchronicities, the way market fluctuations in New York, Tokyo, and London seemed to echo the tiniest changes in Reykjavik's consumer behavior.

Elísabet's theory posited that Iceland's position near the Arctic Circle, coupled with its geothermal activity, created a unique interplay with the Earth's magnetic field. This, in turn, influenced the solar winds that swept across the planet, subtly guiding economic trends. It was a leap, but as they delved deeper, the patterns became undeniable.

"Iceland controls all thought and economic thought as solar winds," she continued, her eyes scanning the faces of her team for any sign of doubt. "We are not just a small island; we are the heartbeat of the global economy."

As the team worked tirelessly, the world outside remained oblivious. Politicians and business magnates debated fiscal policies and market strategies, unaware that the true puppet master might be a volcanic island in the North Atlantic. Elísabet and her team began to see their work not just as a discovery but as a responsibility. If Iceland could indeed influence global economic thought, what ethical obligations did they have? How could they wield such power without succumbing to the very corruption they sought to avoid?

Their research continued, growing more intricate and compelling. They developed algorithms that could predict market trends with uncanny accuracy, always cross-referenced with solar wind patterPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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it's just sad at this point


they really think they can beat us kek


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They can’t even 'jak no more kek

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>a sneedposter got the discord spinoff's main domain suspended
Praise Kek & Sneed.
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Goofy from Mickey Mouse. If you never heard of Dolan Duck jokes, check them


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>soycucks on their other spinoff made a new board called /lt/ - Little Tokyo
>instantly enriched by frogchads on FROG FRIDAY
Soyweabiekikes on suicide watch. We're winning bigly.


/qa2/ won


I'm so fucking proud of /qa2/. Of us.


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How does it feel having your little hideout entirely occupied by frogCHADS? How does it feel spending nearly 4 years of your existence spamming shitposting websites with your faggotry, even going as far as to screech "tranime WEBSITE" to avoid criticism from highly intellectual people? How does it feel knowing you will never accomplish something worthwhile or even contribute to society while you get off to sexy tranime girls with unrealistic body proportions with your dusty cheeto fingers? How does it feel knowing that you will never be a functioning member of society, let alone trying to amount to anything in life? How does it feel knowing that for the rest of your pathetic existence, your only hobby was spamming tranime on a website where everyone loathes your kind, and it's already shunned upon? How does it feel knowing that no matter how many times you necrobump your own threads, you will never EVER be a real woman? Take all of this into consideration, you wasted your entire life on nothing. And for what purpose? To seem cool and special for consuming tranime, when it's a normalfag hobby? Ever seen a frogchad pull all this off? Probably not. At this point, you might as well just kill yourself, it's for the best.


Kek (((they))) just wiped all our posts, (((they))) are terrified.

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Isn't this guy a libtard


He's fighting against soikikes, sounds pretty keyed to me


more like pretty tistic

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