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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

File: 1721350342341.png (152.08 KB, 512x512, frog suit.png)ImgOps Yandex


>explosions reported in israel
>soikike.discordparty goes down


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nusoitoddlers can't stop crying

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My order is drug addicted Chaos Magicians in London. Feral animals. My karma is slaves cursing me as a master, with runes on barn walls. When you buy a slave in New Orleans, your mind is often purchased by the Haitian slave. The Haitian slave owned my mind. But the possessed hacker in Deus Ex: Human Revolution killed themselves indeed.


what part of London?

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Rename this board to "Off-Site Sharty/Soysphere Discussion" now that nobody cares about troonjak.discordy at this rate.


Rename it to /soicuck/, we shouldn't have a board named after another site.
>b-but I can't rename boards!!!
just make a new board and move every thread there



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Thank fuck /raid/ is locked, but I wish it wasn't now because I thought of a plan to hire hookers to get those literal whos laid since porn and internet have rotten their brains harder than comet destroying dinosaurs.

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I got this when i posted the image on troonjak.discordy

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Why can't soikikes take a screenshot?

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checked and keked

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Why are modern-day 'jakkers so fucking cringe bros, I can't take it


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nusoicacas can't 'jak


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And I thought weabs were bad, until soigloobers were born



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okay so basically the troonjak.discordy is founded on the worship of trannies, Soot watched tranny porn, Kuz e-dated a slavic femboy tranny, Froot is a tranny, everything on the troonjak.discordy is a CIA psyop to turn vulnerable young men into trannies with pictures of imaginary bald men which represent the decaying state of males in the judeo-globohomo society, tranny gives and tranny takes

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