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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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>one guy with pepe avatar therefore all frogposters are discord trannies

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that's the guy who raped omegatronic robot tf2 bot hoster


Omegatronigger deserves to be banned.

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I do not find nusoicacas behaving like kids funny anymore. It's just plain sad. You could laugh at weebs because they are stupid. I do not find everything stupid nusoicacas do funny. It just feels like seeing your best friend become a jackass who ruins his own relationships with his closest friends and wonders why everyone hates him.

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>Twitter screenshot thread
>People dickriding ecelebrities
>People responding to 0 effort bait
>Almost exclusively self insert jaks
Froot's shitty everyone. Might aswell rename the site to reddit.com/r/soyjak.party at this point.


nusoitwitterbabies will worship any eceleb as long as they keep thinking about the shitty


they quite literally made a subreddit, froot needs done in

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>tfw discoal troons are apropiating pepe to derail the few good sharty threads



that died long ago, son

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this isn't even "oh no no no nusoicacas"
this is "oh no no no nusoicacas"

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sh*Rtycucks are planning a con for july 2024. The plan is that we all bring large fact signs and a realistic tuxedo pepe otufit. We will be annoying the attendees by constantly kekking at them really loudly. You will see meltdowns of levels that have never been seen before in human history.
11 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>all brown


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>these are the people who seethe at every ounce of frogs and acting like shitty mspaint drawings are some kind of social movement


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we're going to RALLY!

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Jartycuck has Twitter account

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