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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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banned off soycuck.shitty permanently because i leaked my mediator accounts password, they are so obsessed they made it so whenever i post, it redirects to a jeff the killer screamer

soyshits and (((froot))) lost


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Is it over for the Kuckmala shills at the shitty?



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Swinny seems gay to me


all soycuck sites are the same


got it

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some days ago, the sharty doxxed the owner of the paedophile shithole baraag.net and managed to take it down for 3 days by reporting it to clownflare. Now its back and still running. Can (you) help us?


go back to soicuck.party kike


I would, but since you are that one namefag nusoicaca that is obsessed with us. I won’t, besides. You kept telling people to failflag us as the ones who took down baraag.


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nypa nigger faggot
i denounce the talmud btw


kys soicuck

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What the fuck


thats about baraag.
its either a shadman scenario where someone drew art of real person (like he did to keemstars daughter).
or its sitation where they traced real cp.


we managed to take it down for some days btw

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>another failraid or something

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Censored kike shithole

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The sharty is genuinely horrible now.
Was there some TikTok shilling campaign or smth? It is literally the newest of newfags and now gen alpha shit like "unc" gets unironically used.
There aren't real threads anymore it's just people posting random shit (EX: "I eat butter" and nothing else) and page 1-3 is filled to the brim with 0 reply threads.
There isn't much left to do there now, Froot succeeded in killing off the site.
7 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I always protested bringing even more autistic kids from other platforms, but no one heard me and now look at the state of the sharty. Seriously the same can’t happen to the rally


Did the same thing. I warned soicacas about how bringing in nutroons would kill the site but they never listened


Guess promoting the site was a mistake from the beginning


They could've promoted the site to other altchans but no they didn't listen


I'm ok with us shilling to other altchans/4chan boards (excluding the shitty most of them hating us is a good thing), but getting noticed by other sites will turn /qa2/ into /sharty2/.

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they sent horse shit.

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What's even the difference between the sharty and the shemmy


The difference is that one is a deadnigger of a board and the other is a less deadniggery board

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