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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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opened sharty for the first time in a while and it's sad to see what a shell it is


It went to shit once they allowed phonefags in


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who deployed the gpt bots on the shart

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I tried browsing swedishwin.com and I still feel bored browsing it because I just see dramas.
Soysphere truly is dead.



Nice get


Thanks. I should really stay away from imageboards nowadays because they are giving me digital autism.

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pepe won
the ribbit rally won
/lgbt/ won
/bant/ won
der 'cord won
the trans community won
twitter won
reddit won
196 won
ihaveihaveihavereddit won
rdrama won
/vp/ won
/a/ won
/v/ won
/vg/ won
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fake frogposter made this post


its good bait for nusoisluttas



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the (((shemmy)))


(((the shemmy))) fell off once they lifted the ban on israel


the ban was lifted when (((Angeleno))) owned the site

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Geetest, More like kektest!


It seems like geetest banned the sharty.
they are using the old soyjak captcha again


you can see this when you go their wiki:


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Just clean out my cookie and no.

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The sharty is using google ads now. they can definitely get dropped by google for all the shit they have on their site just like 4chan did.

report them to google:

for instance some gore boards:
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I am not gonna pretend I am NSFW account to annoy the kid.




this will not take it down, but it will deprive froot of ad revenue


btw namecheap hosts soyjak.party and nicenic hosts soyak.party

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this guy drew CP and was originaly banned but (((Fr✡️✡️t))) decided he will unban him since it didn't contain "visible genitalia"
would you be OK with posting real life CP as long as it did not contain genitalia?


also he's a discordcuck which makes it funnier


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Did he post this in Carl Sama's discord? I know he admitted to being a minor on the sharty's /pol/ a few days ago, but others probably don't know this. Someone should alert Carl or his mod team to ban this underage, and also report his accounts I guess.
989622817337270353 (his old one)
1272623201419006043 (his new one)



What the fuck? Please, ask Lessons in Meme Culture to review Soyjaks.


we should do something about him

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The shemmy isn't much better than the sharty.
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zellig lost






Wigga you just killed the entire Nusoisphere with this one post without even realizing holy fuck


soijak sites were a mistake in the first place nigger
if the sharty was just a /qa/ bunker we'd be better off

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Isn't Pepe a Reddit frog?


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That's a weab calling card for subverting chan culture. Pepe is a 4chan frog and always has been


I mean as in it being Twitch emoji and all that, but even then, Pepe will always be a Fantastic mene.


40 iq youtube immigrant nigger faggot you dont know shit about pepe


He is popular but a lot of the culture is hidden in places like here and /trant/

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sharty cuck stating the obvious

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