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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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nusoicacas can't duel


This site is full of nothing but nufags now


actual brownoid website


Soot didn't die for this


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I found this post while lurking


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Holy crap


nusoicacas would probably call deformedjaks lockedy while calling slopjaks gemmy


Slopjaks aren't funny tbh


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My question is how did we went from casually posting memes that are originally intended to be a way to mock soyboys to something like this post right here


Old users were too cocky with promoting their site.
They should have known better.


jews killed the shitty


They should've gatekeep the site from migrants


nusoicacas will call you a 4cuck oldtroon if you encourage gatekeeping or something


Well I think the site should've gatekeep just so we wouldn't have annoying newfags just like we do now


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Plus do they know that they're self inserting themselves into a drawing that represents soyboys.


nusoipoopieshits don't even know how soyboys behave


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Holy gég one of them called me a fat obsessed retard for agreeing with them


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its worse yet: its the notion where some soyboys become trannies, and some of the trannies that were groomed become pedophiles, like the bbc spammer map pride type pedophiles. and therefore they believe the average zogcattle is some kind of a dangerous pedophile


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I'm starting to think most of the userbase is under 16 yrs old

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