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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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cereanigger MUST be hanged

File: 1723046592376.jpg (80.67 KB, 978x1094, 1676480879175454.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


Who the fuck is "ronald"? are nusoyteens so far gone that they automatically assume everyone they don't like is the same person?


The (former) developer of the shitty, and also thefrogpond's original owner


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>nusoyteens need a frogchad to run their site for them
they've fallen so far kek


Didn’t he create babybot kek

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so glad i stopped using that shithole


this isnt a bad thing though


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>making the site look like discord is le good actually
Idk how I feel about this

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Geetest, More like kektest!


It seems like geetest banned the sharty.
they are using the old soyjak captcha again


you can see this when you go their wiki:


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Just clean out my cookie and no.

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The absolute state of the nusharty.

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>The shàrty ruined soyposting

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The shàrty ruined soyposting
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


thisest this ever




>implying that A24 wasn't created 2 weeks after soyak


tbh a24 is closest thing to the original meaning of the soyjak compare to other variants like shitson.


Gapejak and Plier were fine as well.

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how did nusoicacas get their domain back again?


they dicksuck israel


they deleted /giga/


for some reason /raid/ works on soyak but not on the main domain


report them to nicenic i guess.

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Are the sharty admins /dbs/pics? Look at the stickied threads there


>site is so dead there are not enough people replying to the sticky
Holy fucking shit


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kek they can't recover


It's happening again


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/dbs/ ain't gonna suck yo dick broooooo

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rabbi da zuera, the noble jew who destroyed nusoytoddlers, is part of the uttp, a circle jerk of pedos


im a shartygod i investigated and thats true

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an uttp paedo kike took the sharty down and you froggots think its keyed, he even slandered (you) on a video


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Silence soykike. you sound like a seething soykike. Did you know the holacaust was fake? News flash: If there's a continent-wide famine caused by British economic blockades people tend to starve to death. I denounce the talmud.


sorry i can't speak Hebrew


uttp is full of paedophiles btw

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