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/soicuck/ - Offsite Soysphere Discussion

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cereanigger MUST be hanged

File: 1727931782317.png (577.83 KB, 831x833, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps Yandex


Nusoicacas could never


nusoicacas wish they could


But (((they))) can't

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The Sharty is dead and so are all the splinters. PPH and post quality has dropped so hard that we're the only ones left with any relevance in wider internet culture.

QA2 won this is just our victory lap. Yiff in hell nusoikikes.


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internet's golden age starts with the dead of soicuck.cringy

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they are so scared of us they permaban anyone who frogposts.


soyzellig is full of actual pedos btw, hit 'em


frogposting is banned on soyzellig because someone from tfp raped them with a botnet back when it was in its infancy


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>pedophilia website
>frogs are banned

as expected

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Most nusoicacas are foid/faggot worshippers

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kek no u cant nusoiclitta


I miss Q1 2021 sharty


me too pal


Sometimes, I think sharty should have never been made in the first place.

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We must force Lessons in Meme Culture to review Soyjaks. They stopped being funny because nusharty cannot dox properly and their reasons are less justified.



You know right


Also, Let's not Raid swedishwin.com.

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Hey guys the nusoicucks are Fighting again


Can we Raid swedishwin.com already



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Nusoicaca told me swinny is like Soot era and xe mocks globacucks. The way he mocks is gay as fuck.

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thanks for posting this


>no arrow


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He's a real soikike, his name confirms it


All newfrogs need to see this


does anyone want to fuck my wife?
(die soicuck)
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even though this sounds like a sharty scheme


>soicuck file name


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kys OP


Soicuck raid insider here, they've made this thread in order to insert p*do link without getting banned, and then report us to our provider.


(((They))) really are desperate ==KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK==

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