All of WHOis information because froot is a retard that forgot to redacted it
Whois Server Version 3.3.2/sdsg/ - sharty domain suspension general #2
Previous: >>236the sharty is evil
none of this is new information but let's take a quick look at the rules of the sharty just to keep things in perspectivesoicucks are hacking vnc's again explain this? /raid/tards are trying to take us down
> The frogs are trying to take down our sites via domain reporting. The 'Ki, the 'Ru, and even the Shlog are in danger. However, There are more 'teens who will see this post than all of the frogs in the world. So get your asses to your email and report SOYWIKI froggy froos
I heard you were 'p spammed by bu5t AKA Connor Howard today, and I am here to inform you that he was doxxed months ago and you can help get this kike put in the slammer. First attachment is a dox some nigga made, second attachment is xis unedited face. According to leaks from his discord, soyjak.colony, he was already fedded once for posting CP on da 'cord which was instantly detected and reported by discord's filters(what a retard lmao) and is probably on probation or something of the sort. If you are an admin/owner, you can call the police in Anderson SC and tell them this person flooded your site with CSAM.soi teen threatens a school shooting
some soicaca threatened to shoot up his school on bsky.we won this fr and no cap? sounds very skibidi
is this fr and no cap? sounds very skibidi advertisements. have these faggots done to the shitty besides importing shitskin xitterbabies?
>colaws/amerikanerReport the /chive/
The archive board on the sharty has a bunch of raiding and doxxing threads saved: this connected the hsot of the sharty?
On this old error page, we get a login section, like pic related:TOTAL SOYCUCK DEATH
EVERYBODY LIKE THIS POST/sdsg/ - sharty domain suspension general
ITT we report to namecheapAbsolute state
>publicly announcing your discord gayop plans for everyone to see and hanging out with known pedophiles to "own" the pedophiles/scrg/ - Shartycon Raid General
sh*Rtycucks are planning a con for july 2024. The plan is that we all bring large fact signs and a realistic tuxedo pepe otufit. We will be annoying the attendees by constantly kekking at them really loudly. You will see meltdowns of levels that have never been seen before in human history.