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/q/ - TRR Meta

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Do you denounce the talmud?

File: 1719108586788.png (58.41 KB, 626x514, 121 - cube pepe.png)ImgOps Yandex


suggest boards here
this thread will be locked on tuesday 12am (EST)
all the boards suggested will be added and stay for a week
the board with the highest post count will stay forever
the failed boards will be merged with /qa2/

current suggestions:
>>>/floyd/ - George Floyd
>>>/blog/ - The Frog Blog
>>>/hrp/ - Holocaust Red Pills
>>>/int/ - International
>>>/trump/ - Donald J. Trump


Shorten the third one to >>>/hrp/



add /trump/




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this backstabbing kike turned on Donald J. Trump


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this is what happens when you attempt to stump the trump


I never trusted this guy

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Remove memeflags, shareblue weab soicuck kike shilling is at an all-time high

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I fixed local-time.js by using the sharty's patch for it; it will now update when you expand a thread

nusoicacas work for us


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they do it for free

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add /tech/ - Technology


important thread


of utmost importance this is


added as a trial board


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Can you add catalog button to the top so I don't have to scroll all the way through the entire page to find it? Thanks.




File: 1717438890185.png (3.25 KB, 420x420, 1711800510222420.png)ImgOps Yandex

Thank you, could you also make it so that the quick reply box can be moved wherever? Much will be appreciated.


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Thank you Trumpmin.



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I haven't been on this site in ages, why the name change?


its a different owner, and new site
the owner just thought it sounded cool ig


thanks anon, the name is fresh
I did like frog pond tho


same, found through deleted threads on /a/

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new flags


that's a lot of flags



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/pol/ board maybe?


qa2 is pol

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site's online


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I don't believe you.

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