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shareblue employee went batshit insane after their CEO killed themselves. Likely (((jewish))) and scared of DOTR


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some soicaca threatened to shoot up his school on bsky.

It seems like those guns are genuinely his, i tried reverse searching and got 0 results.

there was a thread about in on the sharty but it died. dead link:


At least now there will be less cuckmalla voters


i managed to save a thumbnail of the sharty:

but the post on bsky is still up…


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this is peak retardation from soyteens. an outright fedpost. its like he wants to go to prison


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dont ask me how I know, but shblwarrior died an hour ago from hanging, cardiac arrest. Screencap this
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Total /qa2/ victory.





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Shareblue just can't stop losing.


yet another win for the right wing


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>obsessed with splinters
>obsessed with ongezellig
>obsessed with the rally
>obsessed with *shit no one cares about*
>obsessed with telling people that they’re obsessed


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TFW the only relevant thing they did in their 3 years of existence was raiding a few jewddit boards and doxxing a single pedotroon (who came back because they are incompetent)


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White Japanese bird cooking spaghetti


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*sharts on your post*


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I've finally made it


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The kikes are gonna have a panic attack over this, schwayed.


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good thread




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Me and my /weab/ gf


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*sharts on your post*




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you got.the whole pond ribbiting


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why do kikes get so neurotic when White people have their own imageboard? they don't even let us have our own countries


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there's nothing stopping you from ddosing the captcha itself
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


they use their own captcha is a good thing because it means they can be easily spammed and overloaded


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Does this DDoS guide still works? I saved this image a long time ago and never tried it out


that wont do shit KEK, whoever made that guide was probably trolling


I can’t believe I’ve been trolled for at least 8 years now kek


well, technically it is ddosing, but its like throwing a marshmallow at a tank


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(((Shareblue))) is not sending their best


they're trying to raid us right now but they can't get past the trumpcha


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Fuck me. The Soyjak drama makes me come back here.
Someone, please, create a time machine and stop that Swede from ever creating Soyjaks.




What soycuck drama are we talking about?


Drama is dead

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