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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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some soicaca threatened to shoot up his school on bsky.

It seems like those guns are genuinely his, i tried reverse searching and got 0 results.

there was a thread about in on the sharty but it died. dead link:
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


i managed to save a thumbnail of the sharty:

but the post on bsky is still up…


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this is peak retardation from soyteens. an outright fedpost. its like he wants to go to prison


The modern sharty really is just shitskin children getting groomed by the feds and trannies, it's sad to see the state of things





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>obsessed with splinters
>obsessed with ongezellig
>obsessed with the rally
>obsessed with *shit no one cares about*
>obsessed with telling people that they’re obsessed


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TFW the only relevant thing they did in their 3 years of existence was raiding a few jewddit boards and doxxing a single pedotroon (who came back because they are incompetent)

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why do kikes get so neurotic when White people have their own imageboard? they don't even let us have our own countries


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there's nothing stopping you from ddosing the captcha itself
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they use their own captcha is a good thing because it means they can be easily spammed and overloaded


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Does this DDoS guide still works? I saved this image a long time ago and never tried it out


that wont do shit KEK, whoever made that guide was probably trolling


I can’t believe I’ve been trolled for at least 8 years now kek


well, technically it is ddosing, but its like throwing a marshmallow at a tank

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Fuck me. The Soyjak drama makes me come back here.
Someone, please, create a time machine and stop that Swede from ever creating Soyjaks.




What soycuck drama are we talking about?


Drama is dead

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Sfaily cuck forgets trannies dox as well


Damn. I knew swinny wouldn't be that great


i gave up browsing soyjak imageboards. can someone screenshot answers?


This board blocks VPNs. Can someone post a screenshot?

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Guess you only need to type one word.


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very informative


You are going to trumpheaven


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you have inspired me to write a bypass



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banned off soycuck.shitty permanently because i leaked my mediator accounts password, they are so obsessed they made it so whenever i post, it redirects to a jeff the killer screamer

soyshits and (((froot))) lost


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Is it over for the Kuckmala shills at the shitty?



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Swinny seems gay to me


all soycuck sites are the same


got it

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some days ago, the sharty doxxed the owner of the paedophile shithole baraag.net and managed to take it down for 3 days by reporting it to clownflare. Now its back and still running. Can (you) help us?


go back to soicuck.party kike


I would, but since you are that one namefag nusoicaca that is obsessed with us. I won’t, besides. You kept telling people to failflag us as the ones who took down baraag.


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nypa nigger faggot
i denounce the talmud btw


kys soicuck

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