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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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>tfw remember the first time rapeson was created
What were soicacas smoking in 2022

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At this point the entire soysphere is centered around a dead meme. Every humor is reddit tier meta humor. You don't see any interesting development with the meme/or its culture besides the same recycled shit for the past 3 years with little to no originality. Even the biggest "happenings"/drama feel artificial and quickly forgotten about. No real innovation here, just boring nothingburger.
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this also applies to 'pe tho



its over


shart troonjak.discordy test



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troonjak.discordyniggas do be doxxin some niggas who haven't diddled kids.


>literal who tranny on xitter with 32 followers said trans rights

>some 'cord server that is behind the 'p spam and other degenerate shit

>nothing happens


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nusoicacas do this


These niggas make me feel somewhat sorry for trannies.

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The Secret Service couldn't keep up. As consumer-grade Universal Constructors flooded the market, people began using them to manufacture satellite weaponry. The unthinkable became routine: holding Senators hostage with the mere threat of a strike, coordinates programmed into hastily assembled, orbiting death machines.

Page, ever the schemer, had seen the writing on the wall long before the chaos erupted. He ordered us to clone the entire Senate, ensuring his precious legislation remained untouchable and live, regardless of the threats. Now, the real Senators were hidden away, their roles played by perfect duplicates, indistinguishable even under the closest scrutiny.

But that was only the beginning. Page had his secret plan. He implanted the cloned Senators with advanced augmentation devices, giving him unprecedented control. Through SSH, he now wrote laws directly, bypassing the sluggishness of democracy. His clandestine augmentations turned the Senators into mere extensions of his will, puppets executing his commands with unerring precision.

In the midst of this upheaval, Everett, our once-diligent watchdog, had retreated into silence. He wouldn't even read the news, overwhelmed by the sheer impossibility of the world we had created. Page's grip tightened, his influence expanding as he bent the Senate—and by extension, the entire nation—to his vision.

The cloning chambers hummed quietly beneath the Capitol, an eerie testament to the new order. The real Senators, unaware of their own replacements, continued to languish in secure locations, kept alive only as a contingency. Page's machinations ensured that any dissent was swiftly quashed, his synthetic Senate unwavering in its loyalty.

As we watched from the shadows, the implications of our actions weighed heavily. The power to shape reality had shifted dramatically, and the boundaries of ethics and governance blurred beyond recognition. The lines between savior and tyrant, protector and oppressor, became indistinguishable, leaving us to wonder if this brave new world was truly an improvement, or a descent into an even darker age.

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the spinoff was a mistake
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It's saddening to see how much those toddlers desecrate on /qa/ culture with their nonsense.
Nusoycacas don't even use soyjaks like how they were supposed to be used. They now use them as avatars for posts about their personal lives.
Nusoycacas can't raid for shit. They just doxx random people they don't like.
They don't even know who Lee Goldson or Jefre Cantu-Ledesma is. They only obsess about namefag subcelebrities and discord nonsense.
It's over, but they continue beating the dead horse that is /qa/, so much that they turned it's skeleton into a pile of dust, yet they keep whacking it non stop.


>They just doxx random people they don't like.
nusoitoddlers can't even dox KEK


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>It's over, but they continue beating the dead horse that is /qa/, so much that they turned it's skeleton into a pile of dust, yet they keep whacking it non stop.

True, sadly. It's better to remember the /qa/ community as it was, not what it's become.

Honestly we may need to distance ourselves from soicuckery completely in order to survive. I don't want this place to be invaded by nusoiboobies.



Do not promote this site then. Promotion is what lead troonjak.discordy to Being shit.


nusoicacas literally worship some normiefag youtuber for promoting their site

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>soyjak culture hasn’t been mainly about mocking soyboys for a while now, it’s now about ragebait countrywarring posts, obsessing over literal who namefags, obsessing over former imageboard admins, forcing the trendy new indie game or show to become le hecking troonjak.discordy kulchur, self inserting as a keyed A10 Hyperborean muscular chud, gooning to cartoon women, gooning to TND and DNB, doxxing literal whos just because of some gay Xitter drama, and mocking untermenschen like soyboys, trannies, 4cuckers, and the like


They claim shitskins only post some nasty shit because someone just happened to be a shitskin and not them while posting shit shitskins Also post.

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>nusoicacaclitty thinks some shitskin is responsible for all shit-tier soyjaks
>yet he posts shit-tier soyjaks
here is the link: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/soyjak-party-the-troonjak.discordy.145349/page-530#post-18906795

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Browsing soyjak sites and some of social media sites made me realize I gotta quit browsing imageboards and moderate my internet browsing in general.
I pissed off some folks for my stupidity and not because I was right in the situation.
I think I am better off not browsing this site as well.




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farewell, i hope you're happy with your decision. I should take it, sooner or later, as well.

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Remember when soyposters used to be keyed?


båsed frogchads raided /lgbt/ while falseflagging as soitrannies so that rapeape would have an excuse to delete /qa/ and create /qa2/


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those were real soypoopas. they were all replaced by underage jewish children.

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why is the shitty’s /pol/ filled with xitter immigrants? i feel like I’m browsing the 'ru


it's the countrywar board pal

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