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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Sharty is JIDF confirmed. Even if I don't support Ukraine.

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nusoicacas are going mask off


total pedo faggot death


soicucks and weabs are not so different


Family Guy and South Park did something like this and I still didn't like it.
Family Guy had the worst scene in any TV history and that's what they did to Stewie.

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I don’t get why they get mad over immigrants that came from them shilling everywhere, what did nusoiretards think?


This has always confused me. If you really hate the immigrants why are you shilling on twitter? Why do nusoiboobies do this?

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>how many soyteens are from each country
>12 spics
>4 turkroaches
>3 chinks
>1 persian
>1 actual nigger
Why are they always non white?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>1 australian
digits and he's aboriginal


checked and bäsed


Iran is white



Really? All of it?


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Turks are white and the person from south africa could be white

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Should I shill out TRR on the sharty awards?



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Nusoicacas really banning frogs


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bait frogs are
also we make fun of nusoiclucks too how about we be friends


Sorry, but you do some things nusoiclucks do.


>self inserts as a soy woahjack

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Cant we have a meme that look nothing like soyjak and spam that?




Sounds pretty smart


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I’ve been planing this for a while now and it should work. Hopefully it will cause major seethe in Xitter and the Soysphere

I will only reveal the full plan this Saturday. But I will reveal snippets of information here and there.
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Update. I noticed that my plan is a lot more flawed than what I previously though. But it can still work.

Also I will namedrop the target this friday just to be sure we are on the same page.


I've got my own plans in the works. It's totally different from what you are doing.


did you get soyak.party taken down?


No, my plan was something else.

For the ones that were waiting for the reveal, I decided to postpone it to a unknown date.

Sorry to the ones that were waiting on that.


yo me too

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>that first reply
Proof nusoisluttas are all ESL roastie-loving twitter pedo troons


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This esl nusoisutta girlfriend is probably fucking another man right now as we speak kek



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there are some twatter migrants making these falseflag threads to defame nusoisluttas, even nusoisluttas know its a falseflag
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go ask that tranny shit on reddit


i did but they deleted my post


go shit up this thread and leave mine alone


Janny deleted it kek


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