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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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>This is being called a gemmy idea by most of the replies
It's actually over for the shitty. Twitter rapefugees killed it


Kek a literal kike made a literal who dox thread on /soy/ yesterday and nusoipoopas bumped the fuck out of it


you said it

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>cp and fails must be in every thread



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I am not saying soycucks have no permission to dox morons. I just think some of their doxxes are too stupid or give the strong feeling of irony and hypocrisy.


keyed take


soicacas are trying to be some "final boss level epic hacker known as 4chan dox rape kill" level place, only the shemmy actually knows they shouldnt fall into that, they arent perfect either however


hope shemmy stays 80% ias 20% nas


>leftoid tier wordvomit



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bruh the fuk this??

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>nusoibabies actually worship this jewcucked eceleb
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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who is turkey tom


normalGOD youtuber who knows the shitty


A faggot.


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Npe, hes a bulgarian queer.

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Soyfaggas are now posting pictures of their thighs. Not posting a picture of the thread because it's too disgusting.


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>import the normalfags, become the normalfags
nusoicacas, are you proud of yourselves?


nusoicattlebabies don’t care about the fact their site is overrun by kikes. they are all absorbed into the (((chudtuber))) channels (ie colaws, wow_mao, ibz, turkey tom). ecelebs are the jews of the sharty, they pretend to like the site while actively wanting it destroyed

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The sharty proves that administration doesn't matter if the community becomes shit(skinned). This is just like Mein Kamp chapter 11.4 "The Aryan As A Founder of Culture"

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I saw sharty trying to dox a 13 yo.




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Why are soycucks seething over a gijinka of a soylent bottle now?

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