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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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sh*Rtycucks are planning a con for july 2024. The plan is that we all bring large fact signs and a realistic tuxedo pepe otufit. We will be annoying the attendees by constantly kekking at them really loudly. You will see meltdowns of levels that have never been seen before in human history.
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>all brown


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>these are the people who seethe at every ounce of frogs and acting like shitty mspaint drawings are some kind of social movement


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we're going to RALLY!

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Jartycuck has Twitter account

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Frank Fontaine is all I wanted from Ra social memory complex for every contract I didn't get. Frank Fontaine starts as Mayor Defacto. They say I can't build a city on anger for the city itself. Ra social memory complex took all my dreams and put them in Venusian and Montreal cement contracts 100 years out. I will buy all that marine life that is urban cement. I will take delivery. With all they did to my former personality, I will build a city. I care not of the religion. My ambition remains regardless of their set time. Frank Fontaine and Mayor Defacto are all that Ra social memory complex fights here.


I am Ra. This is the type of behavior created by Ayn Rand averaged into our complex and contained. :)


You will never have my city, Howard Roark. Bioshock is just construction contracts of Fountainhead, warped with alien material. You can't write Howard Roark as refusing the agreed contractors of a city. Roark can blow up all the buildings he likes. But he can't build them unless he does business with Frank Fontaine, the Fountainhead.


I am Ra. We do not find this healing in this era. :)

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I can mock weebs all I want, but whenever I mock shartyshits, I just feel disappointed.
Even their raids don't seem Fantastic.


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>Even their raids don't seem Fantastic.
thats because nusoitwitterbabies are illiterate at raiding and doxxing

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Do you guys remember back in 2021 when soycucks were planning a "big" raid on 4chan as revenge for /qa/ getting locked and it ended up obfuscating

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I got bored of Soyjaks. They are just some guy's inner homosexual thoughts now. Self-inserting as one just isn't right.
Doxxing? Feels more like obssession than a justification. No gooning? How about you stop spamming BBC crap? TND? Kill yourself then because you do behave like the N!


Sharty is the embodiment of the mindless rancorousness that imageboafds can have at times. Especially back when /b/ was the halo board for 4chan instead of /pol/. (Horrifyingly enough I am pretty sure it's slowly.becoming /vt/ based on the numbers)
It gets old quite quickly.

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I saw a soicaca there write about how sharty is awesome.
My ass.
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twitterteens ruined /qa/ culture




unfortunately yes


straight up



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Why do soitoddlers like playing hot potato with their admins?


to get to the other side

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