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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Context, pls


Ruben Sim is a click baiting, twitterkike, roblox youtuber if you can believe it


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why do nusoitoddlers watch this toddlerblox 'tuber


>like half of the images in the folder
KEK literally every nusoislutta's folder is like this but ^3

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Ex soyteen here
Soysphere is dead schizo babble and makings 20 dead splinters doesn’t change anything just stop posting soyjaks and move to another altchan


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So true


"Soysphere" is just weird circus of shitty cults


that is a weirdly accurate way of describing the soysphere


Its all just astroturfed NAS now

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>nusoisluttas have a dedicated wiki page where they cry about random shit


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>Nothing about niggers

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nusoicacas can't duel
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Holy gég one of them called me a fat obsessed retard for agreeing with them


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its worse yet: its the notion where some soyboys become trannies, and some of the trannies that were groomed become pedophiles, like the bbc spammer map pride type pedophiles. and therefore they believe the average zogcattle is some kind of a dangerous pedophile


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I'm starting to think most of the userbase is under 16 yrs old

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namecheap shut em down again


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this was by 'affy
another 'affy win


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can't stop winning


and they're up again.



and get so you have to do it, affypedos lost

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>added by shblwarrior
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Say I wonder what's the worst admin in sharty history?


Hi shareblue, how is the weather in tel aviv?



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Shut up you nusoislvt


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Nusoicacas hate the wojak meme now

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I swear man why are nusoisluttas so irrational?

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nusoicacas be like


it seems that it's been maked by nusoi


esl fail oldfrogGOD


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ok but who askeded tho

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How long do you think the sharty would last



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So… is this just it? This is the end of soyposting? Do nusoitroons really have full control over the site, while smearing oldGODS as pedophiles? This is demoralizing. That site, along with some of the boards on 4shit were the last bastions of national socialism. I genuinely refuse to believe this is the end, let alone letting the shills win.


>Do nusoitroons really have full control over the site
>smearing oldGODS as pedophiles
(((they))) are literally trying to push this narrative that /qa/ oldfags are da real jartycucks

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