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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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soipinpricks be like: my penis is small

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thanks for posting this


>no arrow


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He's a real soikike, his name confirms it

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Remember when we spammed holocaust redpills in soikike cytubes so hard (((Froot))) had to ban every non-fdl cytube?


i remember KEK


Isn't that froot fruitass an actual kike?


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when israel is mentioned he always shows support for israel and jews, not to mention he sometimes self inserts as a kike


he only allowed /raid/ to exist in soyak.party because he is what he is.

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soigoogoos are seething over frogs again


i hide a pepe in "rayman.jpg"


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>I really do think this a waste of my time, I'll actually leave now

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nuchurrokeks… this cant be true…


testicle status?

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Does any have that video of Pepe holding gun, saying "Die, nusoicacas!" and shooting nusoicaca?

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2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thread is getting derailed with holocaust redpills kek


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It got autosaged.




>soy (X).Y
The only based soyposter in that shit place


The OP of that thread got really asshurt whenever you soiquoted him, it's like these people don't get the jokes behind the soijaks they're posting.

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Wow, soicucks want to groom kids into having a soyjak fetish.
How disgusting.

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Nusoicacas explain this???


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(((They))) can’t explain ==KEEEEEEEEK==

TFW their entire board consists of groomers LARPing as le heckin based anti gooners and autistic children who lack a parental figure

>site so full of children they call themselves “teens”

>admins still allow porn, child gore and CP links
>(((They))) miraculously find CP and report it on /raid/ (after rubbing their clitty)
>Many prolific predator/pedos like UTTPfags use soyspeak(I wonder why)


>LARPing as le heckin based anti gooners
They only do that so they can feel morally in the right for raiding people which is the gayest fucking thing ever

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Found out recently that soicucks hate Scarlxrd, is this just some kind of fucked up (((glowie))) falseflag or might I be onto something?


>my literal who ghetto nigger is based actually


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I wouldn't come to this website just to force a screaming nigger. Even just posting picrel causes clitty leakage


scarljarls… we can't stop the seethe

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