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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you denounce the talmud?

File: 1725751908716.png (27.21 KB, 125x122, IMG_4183.png)ImgOps Yandex


>obsessed with splinters
>obsessed with ongezellig
>obsessed with the rally
>obsessed with *shit no one cares about*
>obsessed with telling people that they’re obsessed


File: 1725753143378.png (1.33 MB, 2048x1965, 1717802475140.png)ImgOps Yandex


File: 1725754269111.mp4 (2.06 MB, 480x480, 71720-20ai_generated20arth….mp4)ImgOps Yandex

TFW the only relevant thing they did in their 3 years of existence was raiding a few jewddit boards and doxxing a single pedotroon (who came back because they are incompetent)


File: 1725782707837.jpg (43.98 KB, 469x385, starelaugh.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

remember soiclipse?
remember janon?
oh no no no no ahahahaha


Something tells me nusoysluttas keep calling frogs pedos repeatedly and without proof, which in the end only goes to poison the well. It's almost as if they have something to hide…

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