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/weab/ - Tranime Trash

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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Hey weab

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Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed…

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:
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38 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


RIP Matija Sarkic, 26 years
Soccer player
Having a heart attack

RIP Keith Marco, 21 years old
Football player
Died on June 5 from a pulmonary embolism

RIP Afonso Rossa, 19 years old
Soccer player
Heart attack after his match

RIP Obi Ezeh, 36 years
Football player
Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly
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RIP Zachary Doran, 18 years old
Football player
Having a heart attack

RIP Guillermo Denis Beltran, 24 years old
Soccer player
Heart attack during workout

RIP Raphaël Pryor, 17 years old
Soccer player
Passed away suddenly after his match

RIP Erick Lonnie Lonvick 18 years old
Collegiate athlete
Having a heart attack
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RIP Kaitlin Kirkup, age 29
In 2021 she was showing her vaccination record.
Passed away suddenly on May 2024

Rip Megan Bryant 36 years old

Rip 29 years old DJ Bianca Oliveira
Death due to infection

RIP 38 years old Kim Novak

RIP Maria Paulina, 23 years old
Having a heart attack

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A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots.
The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy.
They report that two cases of deadly Status Epilepticus (SE) have now been confirmed to have been caused by Covid mRNA injections.



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tranimes are sexist and objectify women!


Trans rights are sexist.


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trump is a fascist. full fucking stop.

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>those stickies
As expected of frogteens


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>>those stickies
>As expected of frogteens


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*sharts on your post*

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bugs are a rich source of protein you chuds!!!

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The new marvelrino movie just came out!

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>Every single tranime that you like is trash


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*sharts on your post*


>>1033 said this but not look like this


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Аnime is for fat, autistic weirdos to clap and bray at while they sit in their own personal hell.
>Ohh! She's so petite and cute hehe. She reminds me of Tugumushi No Bunshai Desudesu grandure from Hunt x Hide dr. Gringo habushiyuka! It's a 70 season anime.
>She's so cute and cuddly hehe. She reminds me of my sister's friend. She's actually 300 year old star child who took the body of a 12 year old girl.
Аnime fans are bundled in with pedophiles in my eyes. Total Animu Holocaust.


Well said.

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teen board


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*sharts on your post*


trips right here


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Why doth the froag seethe


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*sharts on your post*


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Point proven



Holy esl


dumb frogpostard

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