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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1719539529627.jpg (29.22 KB, 600x464, tf this soycuck sayin.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


the "CSAM weab" is a 4chan user that has a webcrawler to target imageboards, spam CSAM, and get imageboards taken down.
the "CSAM weab" has a writing style like "loli fuck collection 2024"


File: 1719539657006.png (93.93 KB, 550x400, the frog with the suit.png)ImgOps Yandex

one time a soicuck ran a testing imageboard and it got hit with CSAM that was posted by a kike


not a bot
he's been doing this manually for years


File: 1719541041580.jpg (33.68 KB, 798x644, 1706285075006.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

so the csam spammer kike's been doing this for years?
so i would just add filters which detects something like "collection" with emojis and spaces on it


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ill upgrade severs soon (ill be self hosting it)
and it will be powerful enough to run a csam filter
so dont worry


you should implement fuzzy hashing so that he can't just change a single pixel


it will be an AI, no hash banning
like this but for vichan https://gitgud.io/lukesmithxyz/jschan-anti-csam


itll probably be easily bypassable like putting noise filter


These bots don't target our site, they target all altchans, chances are they won't bother posting here. They already can't bypass the Trumpcha which is why they always reply rather than make threads.


having a hash ban wont hurt, in addition to your ai solution.


I wonder why they can't solve the Trumpcha.


they're jewish


imagine how much that cuck has spent on different proxies to spam imageboard kek

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