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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1721520298663.png (607.47 KB, 6416x8000, archibald 10k fact hand.png)ImgOps Yandex


delete /troonjak.discordy/ theres like 4 websites for that already


>theres like 4 websites for that already
but us frogs need a place to complain


add /4chan/ instead


its more fun to make fun of soycucks


can u fix not being able to post 10k archibald which is only 500kb i get "Failed to resize image! Details: convert-im6.q16: cache resources exhausted `/tmp/phpF9YWV1' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4095."


this. also fix the booru i can't upload


fixed, thanks for telling me
we cant let (((them))) win


i can't post this gif it gives me the failed to resize image error everytime, here's the gif for reference


>convert-im6.q16: corrupt image `1722010506706.gif' @ error/gif.c/DecodeImage/513.
>convert-im6.q16: corrupt image `1722010506706.gif' @ error/gif.c/ReadGIFImage/1389.
its because the gif is corrupt

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