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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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I unironically believe that tranime is a weapon against western men to create child molesting eunuchs. I think that the Japanese have helped normalized sexualization of children in the west through their media. They have a culture where it's perfectly acceptable to grab ass 10 year olds on the train and child pornography was so common in Japan during the western occupation that it lead to the Americans enforcing the anti-pornography ban which is why genitals in Japan are censored to this day. They are fucking creatures completely irreconcilable to the west and America's mercy was wasted on them when it should have gone to the Germans instead. We would lose nothing having a Soviet Japan vs what we have today.


2 nukes weren't enough


pedophilia is japanese (((culture))). this is known info unsurprisingly


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The pesky japs are actively brainwashing the youth into becoming depraved sex-obsessed freaks and gaslighting them into thinking child sex is totally normal and not immoral through tranime. Grim, absolutely deplorable. Our generation is doomed to fall if we don't take any further actions and stop those filthy japs from grooming and corrupting the west into accepting their degeneracy, in fact they have been working with jews towards the end of WW2 to cultivate the idea of pedophilia being normalized and spread it across the entire nation (see lolicon) and indoctrinating the masses into trooning out with mass-produced rehashed generic moeslop where girls do le quirky kawaii shit with nothing of value, as this genre mostly takes place in high school they begin to fall for (((their))) tricks and eventually start relating to the girl in the media, insisting they want to "become" the cute girl (trooning out in short). We must take a step further and put an end to this depravity before it goes out of hand. You never know what those cretins are planning to keep their spotlight flowing.




Well said


They had masonic style groups before and after the world war, so it might be a psy op type thing.


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phone call for you


Weabs are not coming back from this.


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Are there anymore sources exposing tranime my fren


Hello, based department? This post right here


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Here's what I could gather. Make of that what you will. There are numerous trannies on social media with troonime profiles and tranny subreddits and discords are always filled with tranime memes every single time.
This redpill is very well-constructed and perfectly sums up this whole phenomenon.



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checked and based


speaking of tranime pedophiles, take a look at https://theribbitrally.org/qa2/res/11226.html, the post to BTFO weabs forever


(((they))) are sliding this




Thank you for the info kek

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