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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
Password (For file deletion.)
Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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Heads up, reddit is trying to raid us.


"Ironic" Kikes guys




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>implying redditors are strong enough to even take us down, let alone trying to """"raid"""" us


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Here's the thread since you have to make an account to see it


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>you get paid for posting (((propaganda)))
>the site icon is kabbalah kamala
>slur wordfilters
Is this (((Shareblue))) HQ?


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no way


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>the current state of the comment section
They can't stvmp the trvmp.


Kek this made my day


these kikes really just posted the grok ai image again. Kikes don't realize X has backtracing technologies and kike slayer mercanaries


Guys… he's a kike.


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Should have turned off the wordfilter through settings first


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remind all reddit trannies what they look like patriots


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how much you want to bet this 196 clone only wants lurkers to sign up so they can datamine you and leak your details whenever you say a no-no word?


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anybody here down for gay hookups in the Reno area?

No fats please(Faggot removed by TrumpFlare™)


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You sound like a triggered kike. You sound jewish. Are you jewish? Are you jewish? You sound like a kike. Are you jewish? Hey, KIKE, here's an idea!: the holocaust never happened!, but it should have!, and hopefully, another one happens soon!


At least call me a fag. I was trying to bait with gay shit and you went with calling me Jewish instead?

I think your skull is the West Bank because Jews seem to be illegally occupying it.



You sound like a triggered kike. You sound jewish. Are you jewish? Are you jewish? You sound like a kike. Are you jewish? Hey, KIKE, here's an idea!: the holocaust never happened!, but it should have!, and hopefully, another one happens soon!


I'm not Jewish but if I was I wouldn't be ashamed to be a member of one of the Greatest ethnicities on the planet.
Are you Jewish? I demand to see a picture of your uncut cock(And for your actions, the faggots have committed an unforgivable crime.)


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Fact: Homosexuality can, and in most cases, is caused by parasitic infections. Remember: you are nothing more than a host for parasites, faggot kike.


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Soikike dialect, your niggerbabble will not be welcomed here






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there's a lot of kvetching coming from this thread…


Us shemaryans are in standby


>redditers using soyspeak and using the terms "keyed"
Its so fucking over


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that's been a thing for a while tho




are you even trying anymore….


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Shitty scribbles wont save your ass kike.
DOTR is coming.
Start running.


we know all about your dragon dildo collection soikike


Kike! It’s obvious!


(((They))) lost.


(((they))) are kvetching in fear. (((They))) know DOTR is coming under president trvmp.


I only have a normal one and a vibrator. Those meme dildos are extremely overpriced tbh


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their top thread right now is about their owner getting busted for having CP. (((Every single time)))

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