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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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>mfw kikes can't even get to experience the alex jones q&a and our unique culture because they got filtered by trumpflare


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>kikes try to circumvent trumpflare's advanced system by using a vpn but they immediately get booted off /qa2/ before they could subvert our culture thanks to trumpvision


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>kikes try to shit up /qa2/ with chudjaks and bbc kikery but both images were instantly removed by trumpflare and missiles were deployed to their homes


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>the weeb mafia finds out about /qa2/
>tries raiding us
>instantly filtered by trumpflare


Blessed thread.


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>go on a frog website
>is against frogposting


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>leftypol raiders try to derail our comfy ama with barron trump but they were all eviscerated in a nanosecond before they could even try


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>kike tries speaking
>pretending i understand his words before posting the next holocaust redpill


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>shareblue shill tries suing /qa2/ for copyright
>fails miserably thanks to trumpflare


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>that one time when /07/th tried to spam /qa2/ with racebait and other kikery before immediately getting booted by trumpflare


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>soynignogs try to failraid /qa2/
>instantly filtered by trumpflare so their shit didn't get anywhere


based thread, i love you all retards like brothers

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