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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1719450357818.jpg (25.9 KB, 400x267, 1719328242155.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


Holy shit guys, is the 'Ape /ourjanny/?

>doesn't do it for free

>free speech absolutist
>stood toe to toe with Vice media
>Sent a ricardo video to vice jornalists when asked for a comment
>fires leftoid jannies trying to censor speech
>created /qa2/, a /qa/ that's free of kikes, shills and cringe spammers
>lives rent free in /hap/ersons minds despite most of the community having never even heard of him.
>Is a vidya nerd

Literally name a better staff member.


File: 1719500033477.jpg (816 B, 17x26, kek lol lmao.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

Remember when a bantoid suphuman posted a picture of himself in diapers instead of a trannyhou pic for one of his gay slide threads and rapeape stickied it for all to see? They still haven't fully recovered.


shareblue and ctr pumped millions into trying to make 4chan left-wing. And they got completely and utterly btfo by a fucking rapist ape kek

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