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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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Mossad is trying to lump us in with tranime /vt/umor fags and the soicucks as part of their plan to take down frogposters, they're doing this to subvert the chan culture we've developed throughout the years, possibly in response to the 2016 election where we got Trump elected through the powers of Meme Magic and Kek's wisdom. They're even falseflagging as froggods by making inflammatory statements such as showing support for our opponents (kikes), encouraging trannyism, anti-Trump propaganda, and so on, all using the frog image. They're afraid of our presence hence why they're trying to subvert our beloved chan culture with (((soyspam))) and (((tranime))), it's all because of our superiority and the heritage we built upon our community

Thankfully the rapeape and his based right-wing mods are already taking care of the falseflag frogs, shills are trembling in fear of our presence.

PS. fuck niggers and fuck jannies and fuck jews all hail kek, sneed, and hitler






(((they))) are trying to memoryhole this

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