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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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Jews have always been looking for ways to degrade communities they feel threatened by/doesn't align with their views, hence why they're always planning operations to subvert and ruin every major online community through the means of falseflagging, spamming kike propaganda, shitting it up with retarded bickering about the Holocaust, and generally just polluting it in the process.
This screenshot is a perfect example of such, when /qa2/'s maintainer decided to temporarily disable its effective & powerful Trumpflare system, a horde of heebs, weabs, soishitters, and Mossad puppets suddenly started flooding the board with tbp propaganda, demoralization threads, posts mocking Trump and his supporters for doing everything right, suggestive tranime pictures, etc. All hell broke loose when a Mossad agent was temporarily given admin for a brief moment, this caused a massive conflict between the patriots and all opposing factions, who the latter in turn, would get sweeped out once Trumpflare came back online. Everything has thankfully returned to its normal state with all the kikes and weabs banned, now they're kvetching and dilating over it. Little did they know, it was only temporary and was inevitable this whole entire time. What a shame, truly a shame.
Maybe if they had spent all this effort on something worthwhile (as if they're ever interested in that) instead of pushing their fake communist propaganda every time someone slightly disagrees with them.


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that day was an absolute nightmare


Very informative

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