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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Ladies and Gentelmen I'd like to speak with you today on the small ripples traveling through the internet on the removal of D.E.I. policies and firing of of D.E.I. employed loons.

These companies are not KEYED, red pilled, chads, and more so this is not "nature healing". They are businesses they are MONEY pilled which means they are going to dictate their business to operate with trying accumulate the most amount of cash from us indentured slaves as possible because that is just what they do. These people do not care about you, your religion, your race, your feelings, if your gay or normal they simply don't care unless you hand over the money in your pocket to them. Its the only thing they care about.

Now about the money part. You see business learn quickly on how to maximise profits every year. I mean you all have seen the financial income differences of how big business ceos keep getting $25k to $100k raises every year while we the peasants get $.50 raise if we are lucky every year. So with that in mind these companies are starting to understand that D.E.I policies are cutting into those profits due to D.E.I. employees being the absolute worst people to deal with for various tedious reasons (I'm sure you can think of a few) and so they are going to start gutting those policies and firing unqualified D.E.I. employees to make back lost revenue from this "experiment" for lack of a better term.

This shift will come slowly, as some of you may have noticed that not a lot of companies this year had changed their profile pics to pride theme for less than week before changing back or to promote a new product. Two years ago nearly every company changed and kept the pride flag theme for the whole month of pride, not 5 days to a week. I noticed this last year and kinda figured this was gonna start happening soon and I guess I was right.

Just sit back and watch the show. Trust me it's gonna get good here in a few episodes, I can feel it.


TL;DR: /qa2/ is straight up dominating western culture and spreading right-wing values at an amazing rate

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