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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1721602034744.jpg (141.64 KB, 1200x1200, 25ajpg.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™ Zion Don™ im a shill™ Boomer™ Kushner™ T_D™ No wall™ Schizo™ Go back to ptg™ Potato_Drumpf.jpg™ Civnat™ More immigrants™ Fence™ $38 billion to Israel™ Trump_Jew.jpg™

The above buzzwords are ©2018-2019 Shareblue®, True Blue Media, LLC®, its partners and affiliates. All rights reserved.


Everyone needs to know this.


why is /q/ locked


probably due to kikespam




File: 1721605749336.gif (52.42 KB, 320x240, 1423712185547.gif)ImgOps Yandex

Ever notice how buzzwords are their only comebacks? It's almost as if they're only programmed to function and behave like what an NPC would because they're incapable of constructive thoughts.


(((They))) are trying to slide this


(((jews))) won.


yid? helloooo…. why are you such a disgusting fucking kike?

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