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We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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yet.. time "slows to zero" at the speed of light.
therefore, our experience of time is the retrograde effect of the universes' expansion.
we observe particles' interaction with the quantum field by sampling relative change.
light is not a thing, it does not move. it's relative change in charge.
time is not a thing, it does not happen. we represent changing state as a horizonal nomenclature on graphs.

there will be no heat-death of universe; as it expands and thins out, the resistance decreases ("electromagnetic viscosity")
if spiral galaxies were the product of coalescence, they would be slightly denser around their edges at the accretion boundary,
then thin out before becoming maximally dense at their centers. however… that is not the case.
they are a continually thinning density from center outward.
thus, galaxies are emitting the material they are comprised of from their centers.
galaxies are white holes.
the one-and-only black hole, is the universe itself, into which all the whitehole light spills.

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