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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1723224624750.jpg (18.59 KB, 976x850, 59462300.jpg)ImgOps Yandex


What's the surprise?


File: 1723224950762.jpg (33.14 KB, 690x292, 1719079142352.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

>weabshit in the /qa2/ 'log


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The weaboid's delusion simply cannot comprehend beauty and the sensational environment we thrive on. This is why they always get infuriated whenever they see drawn amphibians, because they capture the charming essence of nature and the creature's purity, as well as alluding to the aspect of God's greatest gift. Most tranimefags would rather stay indoors and lust over the absurd concept of marrying their little sister like their favorite tranime and wanting to be THE tranime girl, as well as consooming shows that hyper sexualize everything in unrealistic ways and daydream about being in an isekai with their waifus because they've literally never seen a real vagina in their lives, meanwhile frogchads got laid and have jobs and already contributed to society, while the weaboid's life is agonizing and far off point, because they're autistic NEETs who'd rather ERP on grooming platforms and luring children into their depraved fetishes and grooming them in the very process.
It's why their autogynephilic ADHD brain distracts them from anything not pertaining to tranime, because it's all what they have in life and they're way too low T to consume actually good media that doesn't involve flashy colors and unrealistic anatomies, it's why whenever you post a non-tranime reaction picture on /a/, they start seething immensely and calling you a newfag election tourist redditor who should go back because again, tranime is literally all they have in their pathetic lives.



File: 1723245242896.jpg (54.07 KB, 521x937, 17081148478472983.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

Here, take this because that was the realest shit you said


holy fucking BOMBSHELL
how will weabs ever recover




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File: 1723251896372.jpg (59.99 KB, 820x836, 1714540384008.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

well said


They're not recovering from this one. They're finished.


bumping this truthnuke

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