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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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We are all seeing it come together now
Shit you couldn't say years ago is now the prevailing opinion
Normies getting a kick in the teeth by reality
Inflation bustin everyones balls
George Floyd BLM scam mocked for what it is
Horrors of war shown to all in 4k drone footage
Leftys saying Heil Hitler at Universities next to thousands of Muslims and Antifa ( unironically )
Mass immigration / replacement protests everywhere
J6 hoax failed to get rid of Trump
Freedom convoy scared the shit out of the puppets in parliament
I could go on and on..

Tired of winning yet?

I think we are in the Populist age now


/qa2/ unironically fucking won, and it's nowhere near as close.


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This is only the beginning, soon enough, we will have the entire world and ourselves redeemed through the glaring powers of Meme Magic and Kek's wisdoms. We will have (((them))) at bay until the dawn, therefore we must keep fighting the good fight of our faith and restore humanity to its functional, non-pozzed state until the end of time. It's guaranteed business.



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