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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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> Buy a stock for 10$
> Value of stock increases to 20$
> The goverment says: You made a 20-10=10$ profit! You owe us 25% * 10$ = 2.5$
> You haven't sold, but still got taxed, which means you got taxed on money that you don't have
> You know sell the stock for a 10$ "profit" to pay the previous tax. The goverment says that, now, you also owe them 44.6 * 10$ = 4.46$ because you sold
> So, in total, you owe 6.96$ or about 70% of your profit
So, demoncrats, what do you say about this? Trump literally took a bullet for your country but instead you'll vote for a foreign black-indian communist whore? And before you say "tHiS wIlL OnLy ApPlY tO tHe RiCh": 1) The increase in capital gains tax (20% -> 44.6%) will apply to anyone with an annual income of at least $1 million, 2) This will force "the rich" i.e anyone with $1 mil or more to take their money and themselves out of the country. The US market will crash, many businesses will either move overseas or close, thousands of jobs will be lost e.t.c

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