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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1725385556616.png (8.09 KB, 765x726, StbmHTJ.png)ImgOps Yandex


>tfw i get banned from r/politicalhumor (subreddit ran by shareblue) for posting the meme frog debunking the rigged 2020 election
At least it was worth it.


File: 1725385731268.jpg (129.72 KB, 389x565, SxkG5V9.jpg)ImgOps Yandex

You sir won the internet! Praise Kek!


I wear reddit bans like medals of honor


Use a vpn. plebbit’s developer team is all made up of (((Linux))) volunteers, they can’t detect shit


Don't they have hardware bans from (((datamining)))?


No, that’s fear mongering so you feel compelled to be a good goy for (((spez))), you can even bypass plebbit bans from tor


>be me
>browsing on reddit
>see a libtard post
>try to comment in it
>apparently you need to "prove you're black" to post in it
>come up with an idea KEK
>print a photo of a black dudes face
>cut out the mouth and eyes and hold up sign that says N word here
>take picture of it
>send it to all of the mods with a message saying "look im an N word"
>banned KEK
they're segregating themselves and they get upset when I call them the N word. like you cannot make this up. Like you want to not be able to vote next? KEK

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