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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

File: 1725053945004.jpeg (40.54 KB, 225x225, IMG_4114.jpeg)ImgOps Yandex


Where’s that trump bot guy?


File: 1725056370916.png (233.39 KB, 660x574, 1711334888170.png)ImgOps Yandex

i tried again but it got blocked by kamalaflare


we need to find out the host behind their cloudflare


i haven't posted on the farty in months


idk, all i do know is it goes
cloudflare → unknown non-cucked host → hetzner

and the reason for the middleman is because hetzner is cucked, and cloudflare fowards all reports


isnt it using their homegrown captcha now:

Or is there a easy bypass for that?


no bypass yet, but only the wiki and /q/ uses it i think


does it check the captcha serverside or clientside?


i would assume serverside as i dont think nudev is that retarded


i was wondering cause iirc stuff like kiwiflare was clientside


i once saw a script to bypass kiwiflare, dont have it saved rn doebeit


someone could make an AI that could solve this


no captcha is checked on the client side unless its retarded


huh, then it could be bypassed easily


no because the check is done serversided so you would need to write a script or use some llm to solve the captcha


mhm, and thats why its done serverside, like i said



the provider behind cloudflare is privex inc. website is privex.io


and their abuse email is abuse@privex.io

cloudflare was the one who said this


The captcha is back up

But it literally is the most nigger-tier capcha I’ve ever seen

It shouldn’t be hard to make a program that can just auto-solve


its the McCaptcha. theyves used it before.
dunno if its been beaten though


a text detection ai that can know the variant and also image detection should be simple enough to bypass it

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