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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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I heard you were 'p spammed by bu5t AKA Connor Howard today, and I am here to inform you that he was doxxed months ago and you can help get this kike put in the slammer. First attachment is a dox some nigga made, second attachment is xis unedited face. According to leaks from his discord, soyjak.colony, he was already fedded once for posting CP on da 'cord which was instantly detected and reported by discord's filters(what a retard lmao) and is probably on probation or something of the sort. If you are an admin/owner, you can call the police in Anderson SC and tell them this person flooded your site with CSAM.




imagine 'cord saving the day cause of some absolute retard. lmao.


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the "soyjak.colony" he mentioned on the 'p posts are this. rape it now


I thought it was those UTTPniggers


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>If you are an admin/owner, you can call the police in Anderson SC and tell them this person flooded your site with CSAM.
easier said than done, they were all proxies, he could just say it was a falseflag
also kys nusoicaca


>kys nusoicaca
Frogsluttas clitties leaking over soispeak evan doe xhey should just accept we are xheir bvlls and vvill always be above them.
I reported le csam and your dead nigger site took over an hour to even start deleting it. Retarded frogfail!


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in the photo in the top, is that him now or some random?


i just went to his house and how is he so muscular wtf he beat my ass


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>Frogsluttas clitties leaking over soispeak evan doe xhey should just accept we are xheir bvlls and vvill always be above them.
>I reported le csam and your dead nigger site took over an hour to even start deleting it. Retarded frogfail!


>took over an hour to even start deleting it
That's because he was using a botnet to spam the site with CP and making it so jannies couldn't log in.


Frogsissy trying to jak. How hilarious


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>Frogsissy trying to jak. How hilarious


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HOLY kek WHAT A FUCKING LIE. he hekkin… he used a botnet or something!
Nigga it would be generous to say there was more than even 20 pictures (like 15 megabytes) of csam.
Also no-one is wasting a botnet on THIS site of all sites. It was just a simple script. (not to imply bu5t is smart enough to operate a botnet lolz)
in fact I'd assume bu5t just manually proxy hopped and posted it himself. ev&doe he doesn't EVEN NEED TO PROXY HOP because LE ADMIN wasn't banning any IP's.
kek ikr

Also Luke Smith's (lute) anti-csam is public on his git. Look into installing that if you know how to operate this site.
If you don't know how then I suggest you hand the ownership to someone else NIGGA!
Or just.. y'know, block porn altogether if you're such a hekkin right-wing anti-kike cacaborean.

Someone said >How did he bypass the hekkin captcha!?
Your "Captcha" (Short for: 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart' btw) Is quite literally a three letter word that never changes.


nigga wrote an entire encyclopedia 💀


bro think he sephiroth 💀


nigga is a wordy william 💀


Admin changed g.eg to kek because of me lolz. Absolutely buckbroken




Guy from Final Fantasy 7


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>self-inserting as a soi woahjack
>LE ADMIN wasn't banning any IP's.
it was a new ip every post, so there was no point in banning them
>Also Luke Smith's (lute) anti-csam is public on his git. Look into installing that if you know how to operate this site.
i would, but it requires a lot of gpu power

anyways, go die in a bus fire, you oven-dodging KIKE. die nigger kike. kill yourself kike. LMAO kikes you're all going to die. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.


truthnuke. a gooner discord server is better moderated than this


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Even your wiki states that the moderation here is better than your niggerjew site


i wrote that myself btw. i believed 'p is deleted faster here only because some thread i saw here said so (even though 'p on the sharty is deleted in less than 1 minute). but now i can change it because you just proved my assumption wrong GËEEEEEEK


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There was CP on your board that was left there for ==TEN DAYS NIGGER==

It’s not like people were complaining a few weeks ago about real CP being there for HOURS

Actually KYS you turd worlder Venezuelan


it was because nobody bothered to click the spoiler


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>TFW your moderation is so bad that people can just hide CP with spoilers



It would be, but in the case of bu5t he is a previous offender(only spared prison because he was underage) and they will probably check his hard drive again to see if he has 'p downloaded




if this was true theribbitrally would be unusable as a whole and he wouldnt even be able to spam 'p because of the overload


You can't stump the trump.
Trumpcha keeps the site safe


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Found a new photo for you froggies


nice selfie



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